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Quincy Concert Band


Spring concert poster

Quincy Concert Band Spring Concert 

Sunday, March 16, 2025 - 2:30 PM

Morrison Auditorium,
Quincy Junior High School
Quincy, Illinois

Dr. Trent Hollinger

QCB Logo
The Quincy Concert Band will proudly join the Adams County Bicentennial celebration with a special wind band concert on Sunday, March 16, 2025, at 2:30 p.m. in the Morrison Theater at Quincy Junior High School. This free concert will showcase significant wind band works inspired by the themes of innovation, freedom, peace, resilience, and community—qualities that defined the founders of Adams County.

The concert opens with the celebratory hymn, by Alfred Reed, "Alleluia! Laudamus Te".  Sounds of America, including some traditional American folksongs, will be heard in "American Overture" by Jenkins, "Suite of Old American Dances" by Robert Russel Bennett, and "American Riversongs" by Pierre La Plante. The award-winning and virtuosic "Harrison’s Dream" by Peter Graham celebrates innovation and resilience and truly shows the Quincy community the professional level QCB can achieve!

As part of this commemorative event, the concert will also feature an Adams County High School Honor Band, comprising some of the finest student musicians from across the county. Conducted by a distinguished group of current and former high school directors from Adams County, the honor band will rekindle the spirit of past music festivals hosted by the Adams County Music Educators Association during the 1950's and 1960's.

“We are thrilled to be part of the Bicentennial celebrations by honoring Adams County’s rich musical traditions, such as the high school honor band, and by continuing to make music an integral part of our community’s cultural fabric,” said Dr. Trent Hollinger, music director of the Quincy Concert Band.

The concert will close with both the Adams County Honor Band and Quincy Concert Band in performing America the Beautiful.  The award-winning Quincy Concert Band is an all-volunteer ensemble dedicated to preserving the legacy of community bands and performing high-quality wind band literature. By presenting free concerts of artistic and professional excellence, the band serves as a cultural cornerstone for Quincy and the surrounding Tri-State area.

For more information, or to join the band, please contact Dr. Hollinger at thollinger@culver.edu, or board president Gayle Tenhouse at quincyconcertband@gmail.com.   You can find us  on Facebook by searching for "Quincy Concert Band".