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About The

Quincy Concert Band



Gayle Tenhouse President
Chris Davis, Vice President
Crystal Perry, Secretary
Gail Foote, Treasurer
Matt Hopf
Alan Nichols
Janet Ellison
John Schneider
Cathy Flick
Dr. Trent Hollinger, Music Director
Samantha Burge, Librarian

CONTACT US AT:    quincyconcertband@gmail.com

PAYPAL DONATIONS:  Send to the above email address.

Quincy Concert Band 
P.O. Box 82
Quincy, IL   62306

Quincy Concert Band, Inc., is an Illinois Not-For Profit
Corporation, and is a qualified 501(c)3 organization

A member of
Association of Concert Bands

Facebook link
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  to the Quincy Concert Band


The Quincy Concert Band is an all-volunteer wind ensemble that performs a spring and fall concert each year. Members of the band come from all walks of life. The band rehearses weekly leading up to performances, which feature a variety of selections.


American Prize
Quincy’s nationally-recognized concert band has twice been awarded second place for the prestigious “American Prize”, a national competition for community band and wind ensembles.  The band won this award in 2015 and again in 2019, besting bands from much larger communities. 

In 2017, the band  performed at the 2017 Illinois Music Education Conference in Peoria. 

Mission Statement:

The Quincy Concert Band is committed to preserving the rich heritage of community bands and quality wind band literature by presenting free concerts of artistic and professional excellence to the Quincy and Tri-state community. Our volunteer, non-profit organization provides its adult members opportunities to perform diverse concert band music for enjoyment, to improve their musical skills, to foster friendship and esprit de corps with fellow musicians from all walks of life, and to nurture a lifelong love of music by all, audience and musicians alike.  


“A Richer, Fuller Life through Music!”


The band was established in 1982 under the name "Breakfast Kiwanis Concert  Band".  Paul Duker was the first conductor. The band performed before the  Kiwanis travelogue series as well as several times in the community. 
After two years under the auspices of the Kiwanis Club, it was established  as a separate entity and the name was changed to the Quincy Community Concert Band. Dale Kimpton became the  conductor of the band in 1984 and set the performance  schedule that is still followed today.  Bill DeMont succeeded Kimpton in 1996, and Dr. Trent Hollinger took the baton in 2010.

 In 2006 the name was changed to The Quincy Concert Band.   In 2018, the name of the corporation was changed to Quincy Concert Band, Inc.


Quincy Concert Band, Inc., is a Not-For-Profit Corporation registered with the State of Illinois, and is qualified by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 organization.

A member of
The Association of Concert Bands